
Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Stocking # 3

As you remember, I promised to stitch a project a day excluding Saturday and Sunday. It doesn't mean I didn't do anything. I made a dozen of fabric pillows 1:12 scale and will post a picture soon.
This day is almost over. I finished today another Christmas stocking. Looks a little bit different, true? Santa's beard was stitched with French Knots.


  1. Me gusta mucho como ha quedado la barba de Santa Claus!
    Un abrazo... (esperando ver la bota de Cockerina)

  2. I received your package today Natalia :) and I am blown away by the designs you gave me, especially of Mist. If , a BIG BIG if I can complete the project on a 49 count, I think it will be my masterpiece just from the design alone. I LOVE IT!!!!

    Thank you for all the extras as well :). My goodness 90 count is so tiny I can't even see the holes with my glasses. Luckily I can see the close ups with my naked eye as I am short sighted. :)

    Thank you again!

  3. I take my hat off to you and never stop wondering at how tiny your stitches are. My compliments
