
Friday, October 11, 2013

Confession - Yes, I did, I cheated...

For me it was like a little betray to what I am involved in miniature and devote most of my free time - needlework, stitching.

The reason why I did it is a try to understand what miniatures' fans/collectors want to see in what is called "miniature needlework". The question for you is: would you prefer to own a piece of furniture, wall hanging, framed pictures that has been specifically stitched in scale on fine silk gauze and with fine silk or you'd rather chose to buy a piece of furniture, for instance, miniature firescreen, chair, settee upholstered with an antique petit point?

I have never used old antique or vintage petit point for upholstering miniature furniture myself, though I have a couple of pieces I could sacrifice for it. Actually, I did sacrificed them and cut without any regret on small pieces and upholstered a couple of chairs.

Want to hear what you think about it. Does the design look for you to be in scale?

and this is my favorite piece:

A needlepoint deer

Can't wait to hear what side you will take: for or against using antique petit point in miniature.

Natalia, waiting for your thoughts and ideas.


  1. la verdad es que creo que ambas ideas son buenas, para mi gusto ese estampado es un poco grande para algunas piezas , pero he de reconocer que queda bastante bien



  2. I think a lot of it depends on where you want to use them, I like them but would never put it in one of my dollhouses for the simple reason that I like historical correctness in my dollhouse and to me these are out of scale and they are also basically Victorian in style, so won't fit in with any other historical periods.

    That said I think they are fun and would look great in modern settings or as stand alone pieces, part of your normal full scale decorations and I absolutely love the deer. But I don't think I could ever cut up one of these myself.

  3. I prefer when it is stitched in scale. Maybe because I like stitching. With silk gauze you can adapt designs to the right size. What you show us is beautiful but I find it a bit big, especially the armchairs. However the banquette and chairs are great.

  4. Hi Nathalia, a quick reaction from me regarding your needlepoint deer; it's a tiny piece of art, I believe. I once saw something similar in a dutch museum: big elephants made of tapestries. As beautiful as your deer is. But just the opposite in size! Well done, Nathalia, and thanks for sharing.

  5. Dear Natalia,
    For me it doesn't look to be in scale. I think the flowers are a little big for the chairs.
    But that's my opinion.
    The deer looks great. I see that as an art piece.
    Hugs Dorien

  6. Natalia, these "upholstered" "cheating" pieces are lovely! The scale is not true for the items as we would think of them... as mini replicas of our furniture.... but they have a "Modern" appeal.... Too big flowers a la Georgia O'Keefe.... which I find Enchanting! I am one of those who like my minis to have that look of "cutting up" old needlepoint to upholster a chair... But I am sure there are purists who would think the stitching is off scale and would frown at that! I certainly think there is room in the mini world for Both! I would not want you to give up any of your Gorgeously Perfect Miniature needlework!!! But I also think these pieces are Charming! I LOVE the Queen Anne side chair!

  7. I think this looks great! It's old Petit points you have remade to different things? I think it's a good idea, if the original piece isn't used I think its better to use it, even if it's in a totally new way. I love the chairs, but I most say the deer is my favourite!!

  8. J'aime beaucoup le style Fréférique Morrel adapté à la miniature! Bravo!

  9. Это волшебно!!! Мое искреннее восхищение!!!

  10. The deer looks fabulous... stunning idea. The furniture looks okay to me, some designs may be a little too big and a bit too colourful, but everyone has different tastes, in reality too some desingers choose big, colourful patterns, so why not in miniature. I think this way works - but it's much more delicate when stitched.


  11. You are really creative. Your deer is wonderful, I can not understand how you made it. Exciting whit new opportunities.

  12. Que quieres que te diga... lo que muestras me parece maravilloso. El ciervo es precioso pero las sillas no se queda atrás , todas y cada una de ellas son únicas.

  13. Красота неземная! Особенно олень..Смотря на такие шедевры, я конечно же за antique petit point!

  14. I am with you on it, Elga. I think it is my fist and last time using antique petit point in miniature in this way. It is just not for me.

    At the same time, I completely share Daydreamer's opinion that this kind of furniture can be used just as a piece of art.

    Hmm, an elephant covered with needlework?! Can visualize it... Impressively big... Liduina, I would love to see it too!

    Genevieve, it was an experiment and enjoy stitching a lot too, even if it takes so much time, petit point gives a possibility to create little masterpieces.

    Thank you, girls, for your input and opinions! Means a lot to me!

  15. Очень Красиво!

  16. Definitely yes in a modern house!
    I have seen many real life pieces with bolder and bigger patterns and they were great in the right surrounding.
    Any way you have done great job with them

  17. I am not a huge needlework flowers fan so I am already bias here =P

    I do think the settee could work.

    I could imagine the others as pin/needle cushions. Sitting on a neat sewing table with a few needles. functional or non-functional it would look cool (if someone could stand to do it.

    The reindeer though.... I love the idea would LOVE to have that around my house. Flowers or not ;)
