The floor on the first level in the main room is finished.
I had two pieces of Dark Walnut and Maple.
I cut them in 1/2" wide stripes, arranged accordingly the colors and jointed them with the small pieces of tape.
After that, I put this sheet between 2 plywood pieces (1/6") and cut it in 1/2" wide stripes again
I arranged the new cut stripes trying to build a chessboard design
It was a bit challenging to take the tape off, because the wood was so fragile and as you see, I broke some tiles
However, I was pretty satisfied with the result when the floor was put together
More than that, since this sheet was in between 2 plywood pieces, now I have stripes to finish the floor for some other project, may be for my castle!
but let's go back to the floor. Since the house was put already together, it was not very comfortable for me to put a stripe after stripe straight on the floor in the room. I covered the stripes with the tape again, glued it to the thin board with the other side (without a tape), took the tape of, sanded the whole surface, finished it and the floor was ready to be transferred to the room.
Thank you for your time!