Thank you every one who took part in this contest.
I am sad to say that it is over sooooo fast.
I am happy to announce a winner: Tosha from Austintatious Offerings Needleworks.
Haveyou seen her beautiful website? Good luck, you will spend some time there:
I posted her comment and deleted later in purpose that nobody could see the correct answer. Here is her comment:
im2yar4u (http://openid.aol.com/im2yar4u) has left a new comment on your post "CONTEST "ANOTHER DIMENSION"":
Hi Natalia, This is a seal, balancing a ball that says kiss on it!
BRAVO! Tosha!
The catch was a word on the ball "K I S S" that many participants missed.
ah ah! too funny, you have another 3D?
Thanks for this nice game, and congratulations to the winner!
Big congratulations to Tosha!
Natalia, the 3D pic is still open on my laptop! hahaha!
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