Another word for “F” is Fat. Not too optimistic beginning, true? All right, I will start this way.
Today is my birthday. I am at the age when you think it can be your last chance, when you wonder: to be or not to be, to be fit or to give up.
I woke up surprisingly early for myself and thought “Enough is enough!”.
Put my clothes on, sport shoes and went outside for a little walk. It is so peaceful and quite at this time of the morning. Everything around you is just awakening up. Perfect time to think, analyze and re-evaluate values (one more time…) and start from 0.
Have you ever noticed that the mirrors at home lie? You always look if not beautiful then at least satisfactory in your opinion. Have you noticed that the mirrors that tell the truth are the mirrors in the fitting room at the clothes department? They don’t lie.
Do you know the feeling when you are looking in the mirror and all you can see are your problem areas: your face is puffy (you can call yourself Mrs. Puffy, he-he-he), your thighs are loose and jiggly and your stomach looks about 5 months pregnant, br-r-r. To make matters worse, your husband wishes to see you in bikini on the ocean beach this summer. Honey, are you blind?
We all have the same excuses: we have kids, job, obligations; we love to cook and eat; stress that causes BED (Binge Eating Disorder) that leads us to weight gain and obesity.
We blame everything: stressful life, genetic, a lack of time, when the real reason of how you look like and how you feel right now is only YOU – A PERSON WHO LOST HOPE.
Do you have at least three of these health issues?:
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 Diabetes
- High blood cholesterol
- Gallbladder disease
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Osteoarthritis
- Joint pain
- Muscle pain
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Headache
- Sleep apnea
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stress
I do…
Oh, I can hear already you yelling:
“Once I put the weight on, I was unable to lose it. I tried everything: dieting, weight watching group, every supplement under the sun, diet pills. Nothing worked out for me.”
You gave up and this is when your health took a more dangerous turn!
I know it from my own experience. I started so many times and gave up. I lost and gained back, and always have had an excuse.
I am a competitive and ambitious lady. I am looking for a challenge and somebody who will accept this challenge.
If you are ready to change your lifestyle, eating habits and become healthier you ONE MORE and LAST time I encourage you to join me in this journey.
First I thought that I don’t need it and I can go through this challenge by myself.
Another part of me said that it might happen that there is somebody else in the world who needs it and would like to challenge her/himself and it can be fun to have a group of self-minded people who share the same ideas and even willing to compete.
If you are that kind of person and if you still care, accept my challenge!

The conditions are:
1. Your weight should be not less than 180 pounds, in a word you need to have something to lose, :))).
2. You agree to commit for 4 months of hard work (July, August, September, October). The Challenge will start on the 1st of July, 2012 and ends on the 31st of October, 2012.
3. You agree to post a logo of this Challenge on your blog. The special Private Blog will be build only for the participants of the contest. Each participant will be able to post on that blog sharing the ups and downs, program, progress, recipes, etc…
4. You agree to post an image of yourself how you look like now on the private blog. All images should be dated.
5. You agree to post the images of yourself on the private blog showing the monthly progress at the end of each month. All images should be dated.
6. You agree to post the image of yourself how you look like at the moment the Challenge is over (the 31st of October). All images should be dated.
7. You agree to reveal the “Before” and “After” images of yourself for public at the end of the Challenge (the 1st of November) by publishing them on your own blog.
8. To make it more fun, you agree to present a miniature gift each month to a monthly winner of the Challenge during 4 months of this contest. The winner will be a person who showed the highest weight loss percentage in a month that will be calculated. The number of lost pounds you give each month won’t be considered without the dated image.
9. You agree to present a miniature gift to the winner of the entire Challenge. The winner will be a person who showed the highest weight loss percentage during 4 months of the Challenge that will be calculated at the end of it.
The main prize is NEW Victorian Allison Jr. Doll House Kit by Real Good Toys

Please, if you consider to accept the Mini Weight Loss Challenge, contact me privately at
If you would like to be a sponsor and support the participants by donating your miniature as a prize to the winner, please, contact me privately at All sponsors will have the access to the private blog too.
I am going to the Big Sky Dollhouse Miniature show in Montana leaving you alone with your thoughts! A big decision to make!
Keep in mind, another word for “F” is FIGHT.
Talk to you soon,
Today is my birthday. I am at the age when you think it can be your last chance, when you wonder: to be or not to be, to be fit or to give up.
I woke up surprisingly early for myself and thought “Enough is enough!”.
Put my clothes on, sport shoes and went outside for a little walk. It is so peaceful and quite at this time of the morning. Everything around you is just awakening up. Perfect time to think, analyze and re-evaluate values (one more time…) and start from 0.
Have you ever noticed that the mirrors at home lie? You always look if not beautiful then at least satisfactory in your opinion. Have you noticed that the mirrors that tell the truth are the mirrors in the fitting room at the clothes department? They don’t lie.
Do you know the feeling when you are looking in the mirror and all you can see are your problem areas: your face is puffy (you can call yourself Mrs. Puffy, he-he-he), your thighs are loose and jiggly and your stomach looks about 5 months pregnant, br-r-r. To make matters worse, your husband wishes to see you in bikini on the ocean beach this summer. Honey, are you blind?
We all have the same excuses: we have kids, job, obligations; we love to cook and eat; stress that causes BED (Binge Eating Disorder) that leads us to weight gain and obesity.
We blame everything: stressful life, genetic, a lack of time, when the real reason of how you look like and how you feel right now is only YOU – A PERSON WHO LOST HOPE.
Do you have at least three of these health issues?:
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 Diabetes
- High blood cholesterol
- Gallbladder disease
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Osteoarthritis
- Joint pain
- Muscle pain
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Headache
- Sleep apnea
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stress
I do…
Oh, I can hear already you yelling:
“Once I put the weight on, I was unable to lose it. I tried everything: dieting, weight watching group, every supplement under the sun, diet pills. Nothing worked out for me.”
You gave up and this is when your health took a more dangerous turn!
I know it from my own experience. I started so many times and gave up. I lost and gained back, and always have had an excuse.
I am a competitive and ambitious lady. I am looking for a challenge and somebody who will accept this challenge.
If you are ready to change your lifestyle, eating habits and become healthier you ONE MORE and LAST time I encourage you to join me in this journey.
First I thought that I don’t need it and I can go through this challenge by myself.
Another part of me said that it might happen that there is somebody else in the world who needs it and would like to challenge her/himself and it can be fun to have a group of self-minded people who share the same ideas and even willing to compete.
If you are that kind of person and if you still care, accept my challenge!

The conditions are:
1. Your weight should be not less than 180 pounds, in a word you need to have something to lose, :))).
2. You agree to commit for 4 months of hard work (July, August, September, October). The Challenge will start on the 1st of July, 2012 and ends on the 31st of October, 2012.
3. You agree to post a logo of this Challenge on your blog. The special Private Blog will be build only for the participants of the contest. Each participant will be able to post on that blog sharing the ups and downs, program, progress, recipes, etc…
4. You agree to post an image of yourself how you look like now on the private blog. All images should be dated.
5. You agree to post the images of yourself on the private blog showing the monthly progress at the end of each month. All images should be dated.
6. You agree to post the image of yourself how you look like at the moment the Challenge is over (the 31st of October). All images should be dated.
7. You agree to reveal the “Before” and “After” images of yourself for public at the end of the Challenge (the 1st of November) by publishing them on your own blog.
8. To make it more fun, you agree to present a miniature gift each month to a monthly winner of the Challenge during 4 months of this contest. The winner will be a person who showed the highest weight loss percentage in a month that will be calculated. The number of lost pounds you give each month won’t be considered without the dated image.
9. You agree to present a miniature gift to the winner of the entire Challenge. The winner will be a person who showed the highest weight loss percentage during 4 months of the Challenge that will be calculated at the end of it.
The main prize is NEW Victorian Allison Jr. Doll House Kit by Real Good Toys
Please, if you consider to accept the Mini Weight Loss Challenge, contact me privately at
If you would like to be a sponsor and support the participants by donating your miniature as a prize to the winner, please, contact me privately at All sponsors will have the access to the private blog too.
I am going to the Big Sky Dollhouse Miniature show in Montana leaving you alone with your thoughts! A big decision to make!
Keep in mind, another word for “F” is FIGHT.
Talk to you soon,
Happy birthday Natalia.
Have a wonderful day with your family and friends.
Hugs from Craftland
Another word with F is Felicitaties (means congratulations)!!
My weight is less than 180 pounds, so I can't participate with you. But I have some advice: I bike/walk every day an hour, I don't eat fat/sugar and most important: don't eat to much!!
I wish you a great birthday, dear Natalia!!
Hugs, Ilona
Happy Birthday!
Hugs, Drora
Hi Nat, i just read your post and i wanna wish you, it's good luck in your new resolution. I hope you dont give up on your goals. will not be easy to start but have to continue without stopping, always thinking on the goals you want to achieve and you will succeed, I know what I'm talking because I'm also doing a diet for health problems and have lost 40 kg. I hope my words give you a bit of strength and courage. All the best.
Happy birthday!!
Bye Fbay
Hello from Spain: Happy birthday!; courage and perseverance. After my second pregnancy I left over 15 kilos and the only way to lose is to exercise. Today I am super thin and I can eat everything. Keep in touch.
¡¡¡Felicidades por tu cumpleaños!!!!!.
Y ánimo con ese propósito para adelgazar. Un saludo, Eva
Happy Birthday to you, best wishes - and may your resolutions/plans come easily true... Another word with "F" is fantastic, and that's exactly what you, your work and your blog are... ;O)
Примите мои наилучшие пожелания!
Happy birthday Natalia!! (^^)
Hugs, Irina
In my younger years I thought the "F" word was that bad word that you got soap in your mouth for but your article changed my definition of it. It's still a bad word but it comes from putting to much of everthing in my mouth, not soap. I do not have enough to lose anymore to join your challenge, but good luck. For those who do not have that much "F" to lose take a look at this and good luck!
Thank you everyone for your wishes!
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