I can't not to tell you what a Happy and Proud Mom I am! My son, Egor, 16 year old young man graduated from the High School this year. He finished the 2 years of Running Start Program at the Eastern Washington University and he has been accepted to the same University this year to continue his education. He wants to major in History.
We came to America 9 years ago and Egor was 7 years. I took him out of the Elementary school, 1st grade, he didn't speak English at all.
This is the picture of his first day at the school back to Russia, 2002. He is this little blonde boy on front.

It is him 10 years later, last day at the High School in America. Now he speaks fluent English and his compositions in English are used as an example for the students of the Eastern Washington University.

I am very proud of you, Son, and all your achievements!
We came to America 9 years ago and Egor was 7 years. I took him out of the Elementary school, 1st grade, he didn't speak English at all.
This is the picture of his first day at the school back to Russia, 2002. He is this little blonde boy on front.

It is him 10 years later, last day at the High School in America. Now he speaks fluent English and his compositions in English are used as an example for the students of the Eastern Washington University.
I am very proud of you, Son, and all your achievements!
Наталья, мои поздравления и уважение вашей семье за успешную попытку так резко изменить свою жизнь, да еще в такой ответственный и трудный для ребенка момент (1 класс). Успехов вам.
Felicidades a tu hijo y a tí por ser una mamá tan fantástica, pues tu le habrás animado mucho para que su esfuerzo tuviera estos resultados, enhorabuena por ello. :)
A lot of courage such a lifestyle change! Worth it! Congratulations!
Enhorabuena por ese fantastico y guapo hijo que tienes.
Es normal que estes muy orgullosa de el, el seguro lo esta de ti tambien.
besitos ascension
Hello from Spain: congratulations for having such a wonderful son. I also am a mother and I understand you and the love you feel about you son. Keep in touch
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