Thursday, December 1, 2011


Last year, the same day the 1st of December I had a contest on my blog "Another Dimension". I decided to keep this tradition and today I am offering you another contest that I called "The Least Expensive". There will be 2 winners and 2 prizes.

First person who will give a CORRECT ANSWER on my question will win:

PRIZE # 1:

- the Needlepoint kit of a Dollhouse Miniature rug "The Morning Star" that was designed and packed by me. The kit will include everything you need to finish the project: a piece of silk gauze, a needle, DMC, a chart and instructions. The design was charted for 40 count silk gauze (you can use 48 count as well) and measures aprox. 5.5" x 8".

Second person who will give A CORRECT ANSWER on my question will win:

PRIZE # 2:

- The Needlepoint kit of a Dollhouse Miniature Pillow "Victorian Rose" that has been designed and packed by me. The kit will include everything you need to finish the project: a piece of silk gauze, a needle, DMC, a chart and instructions. The size of the completed pillow will be 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" and it was charted for using 40 count silk gauze (you can use 48 count as well). You can pick up any color for the background, here only some suggestions:

Now the most important part of the contest: what you need to do?

You need to go to my website


and find the least expensive item on my website!

The question you need to answer is:


Remember, there will be only 2 winners and only 2 prizes. The contest will start on the 1st of December and will be over as soon as I will have 2 first correct answers.

Hurry up! There is no time to wait! It can be you who will win one of those prizes!


Let's have fun!

I wish you Good Luck,



Shelly said...

Natalia, I emailed you my answer through your website because I was not sure where to put it?

Shelly Norris

Pernilla W said...

The beading needle was the cheapest item I found, if you don't count freebies.

Pernilla W said...

The beading needle was the cheapest item I could find, unless you count the freebies.


Elga said...

I also send my answer to your email address.

Ludmila said...

Наташа,я правильно поняла? Нужно в Вашем магазине найти самый дорогой товар и самый дешевый? Если так, то я с удовольствием погуляла по Вашему магазину и нашла потрясающие красивые вещи. Самая дорогая: Dollhouse Miniature Blanket Chest 1/12 scale, а самая дешевая: Beading Needle # 13. Я все правильно сделала? Если чесно, то я очень хочу выиграть одну из Ваших чудесных работ. Я искала в наших магазинах шелковую марлю, на которой Вы вышиваете, но увы! у нас такой ткани нет :(

FabShabbyRoses said...

Good Morning Natalia! Thank you for this chance to win! My guess is the beading needle #13 for .25! I hope this is correct! Carolyn

FabShabbyRoses said...

Oh wait...maybe what you would consideer least expensive would fall under the "free" catagory which in that case would be your free patterns you so generously offer! humm this is a mystery depending upon what you read into the question! Oh my!

Ascension said...

Hola Natalia
El producto mas barato de tu etsy es un cojin precioso que dentro tiene forma de corazon y lleva estrellitas y barras-----su precio 3,82.
Espero haberlo hecho bien jejejeje
besitos ascension

Caseymini said...

Natalia, You have a pillow for $5.00. I hope I am the second.

Lataina said...

Aw, I'm late to play but I just wanted to say what a fun game you've chosen to play! LOL. =)


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